❤ Comfortable ❤ Thxxxx Maelynda !!!

Hola guapas aqui os dejo otra novedad de la tienda [Bad Romance] :
Como ya es hinvierno y viene epoca de frio y navidad , nos presenta estos jerseys de manga larga en 4 colores muy suaves que quedan muy bien con cualquier cosa que os pongais , a mi me encantan .

Hello beautiful here I leave another novelty of the shop [Bad Romance] :
As it is winter , and next time for cold and Christmas presents these jerseys of long-sleeved in 4 very mild colors are very well with anything that you do them, to my I love.
Skin : AL VULO! ( Winter Fair 2011!! ) May* natural claveage Hb sunkissed
Hair : [y] ( Winter Fair 2011!! ) Adele Winter - Special Colors Pack
Shirt : [BR] ( New!! Thxxxx Maelynda!! ) My Sweater colors / Pack
Pants : T.Whore Sweet Skinny Jeans Gray
Boots : .::SWEET LEONARD::. Eskimo Boots -grey-
Scarf : ~Pepper~ Braided Scarf