THE WITH LOVE HUNT !!! Starts Today !!!

---------------[  With Love From... ]---------------
Yes, here we go again. This will be the fifth CHIC Management hunt and we plan to have the second "With Love" hunt start on December 9th and end on January 6th.
The theme is thanking our loyal customers for supporting us throughout 2011. Many of us are very fond of our customers, and we like to focus on the expression of that rather than of a strictly holiday based theme. This is the same theme as we had for the original With Love hunt in 2010.
The hunt items will be 10L and each hunt will have a maximum of 100 brands. The item within the box is to be worth 400L or more. Some stores may have 2 boxes if they wish to provide seperate options for different genders. See our website for details nearer the time.
December 9th - January 6th.
See all the SLURLs and Hints here
Updated live so you know when somethings missing!