As many of you may be aware, Gala Phoenix is currently in the midst of legal issues which have resulted in her content being removed from the grid and her major source of income lost pending their outcome. She is facing serious expenses in securing representation and taking her case to court, and the issues she's dealing with regarding intellectual property rights should concern anyone who makes a living from SL content creation; Gala's situation is one that any creator of original content could have the misfortune to find themselves in.
The object of this fundraiser is not only to assist Gala Phoenix but to show that the SL content creation community is stronger standing together; the event is planned for, tentatively, the second week of July (9-15 July), dates and length subject to change. Participating content creators will be offered the option of a 50% sales split or 100% donation on sales, at their discretion; if you want to create an event-exclusive item or time a new release for the event, that's great. Venue and fine details remain to be worked out, but I'd like to thank you for your participation--and please, if you happen to have any friends or acquaintances you think may be interested in participating, pass the word along.
Contact Vivienne Graves via in-world IM or notecard if interested, and thanks!