Skin : ::Modish:: Ingrid <Peach> {light brows} CL
Make Up : -UtopiaH- (New!!)(Cosmetic Fair) My Wild Face Makeup
Hair : *Milk* (New!!) Holes in my sweater *Blondes*
Lingerie : BabyDoll (New!!)(Fi*Fridays) Bella Lingerie / Pink
Pants : .Salt (New!!) My Lycras - Pale
Feets : SLink AvEnhance Feet Female High
Hands : SLink AvEnhance Hands Female - Horns
Shoes : SLink (New!!) Quinn Kneehighs Pink
Tattoo : -UtopiaH- The Sky is the Limit Tattoo
Horns : -Chary- Horizontal Body Horns (WHITE)