❤ Would You Be My Valentine ❤ Thxxx Elle , Thxxx Karla , Thxxx Ana , Thxxx Miss Panda , Thxxx Chrissy , Thxxx Justyna , Thxxx Lanna , Thxxx Dahriel & Thxxx The Darkness !!!
Skin : ::MODISH:: (New!!) Cora (F01) [Catwa]Face Applier HUD
Ears : ^^Swallow^^ Gauged Ears /(Wear)
Make Up : SU! Essential Eyeliners (Boxed) /RARE/
Brows : Just Magnetized. (New!!) Perfect Eyebrows set 11 for CATWA
Hair : Pr!tty. (New!!)(The Gacha Garden) Pop - [All Color Huds]
Suit : ella. (New!!)(L8) Jeanne // Fatpack
Tattoo : RedFish. (New!!)(Fetish Fair) Sexy flower Tattoo
Anklets : *PerveTTe* (New!!)(Fetish Fair) Bond [Anklets]
Choker : (Yummy) Corset Choker - White
Necklace : Amala. The Daddy's Necklace
Earrings : ::SAGA:: (New!!) Valentine Heart Earrings
Rings : Amala. The Atara Stacking Rings
Nails : alme. Forever Young
Piercing : (Yummy) Mila Septum
Poses : *PosESioN* (New!!)(The Darkness) Agatha Set