❤ Goldy ❤ Thxxx Elle , Thxxx kah , Thxxx Tabata , Thxxx Amber , Thxxx Johnny & Thxxx Queen Of Ink !!!
Skin : .::MODISH::. (New!!)(Skin Fair) Ruby (F03) [Catwa] Face HUD
Make Up : Ascendant. (New!!)(Skin Fair) Amber lipstick [FATPACK]
Hair Base : E.Vary (New!!)(Skin Fair) Jana Hairbase for [Omega]
Hair : Vanity Hair. (New!!) Goldfinger-Greedy Pack
Outfit : [[ Masoom ]] (New!!) Michelle Outfit
Shoes : N-Core CORINA FatPack (18 colors)
Tattoo : *Queen Of Ink* (New!!) Sisters Tattoo
Piercing : (Yummy) Nora Septum
Rings : (Yummy) Gardenia Rings - Maitreya